Property Owners Association FAQ
An HOA deals primarily with residential property. A POA (property owners association) encompasses a mix of property types. Chickasaw Point subdivision has 1,755 properties within its boundaries: 475 developed lots, eight of which are townhomes, and 1,300 undeveloped lots.
Each year at the end of April a Nominating Committee made up of the POA Board President, Vice President, Treasurer and four other POA members is formed to seek Board candidates. An email announcement is also sent to the community. Owners who are interested in running for the Board can contact a member of the nominating committee or reply to the email. Eligible candidates must be in good standing with the Association, at least 21 years of age, and have owned a Developed property for at least one year. No later than August 1, a mailing is sent to all POA owners in good standing that contains an Annual Meeting invitation, the candidate bios, a ballot and a return mailing envelope. The ballots are due by 10AM on the Friday prior to the Annual Meeting. The ballots are counted by an Election Committee and the results are announced the next day at the Annual Meeting.
See the POA board page.
The monthly Board Meeting is held on the third Monday of each month at 7PM in the Activity Room of the Overlook or by Zoom. Owners in good standing are welcome to attend the meeting. The Zoom link is emailed to the community two weeks prior to the meeting and is also available by clicking on the “POA Meeting” event listed on the Activity Calendar.
No, POA board members generously volunteer their time and expertise to serve the community.
Tap here for the list of charges that make up the annual assessment.
Per the Covenants, the Base Assessment can only be increased by the Consumer Price Index each year, which usually is only a matter of a few dollars. Other needs of the community are addressed through Special Assessments. In recent years, as part of an effort to build Capital Reserves for future needs, the Board of Directors implemented a Special Assessment for Capital Reserves.
You can contact the Board Member or Chickasaw staff member whose responsibility relates to your question/concern. If uncertain which Board Member to contact, email and your concern will be directed to the appropriate Board Member of Staff Member for a response.