Veteran’s of Chickasaw Point

In November 11,2023 the Chickasaw Point Men's Club dedicated the flagpole at the Overlook and conducted our first Chickasaw Point Veterans Day ceremony.  The community response was great with the sharing of veteran's stories of Chickasaw Point.  The Men's Club then started a project to collect and publish the stories of Chickasaw Point veterans.

The stories are of three types:

  1. Chickasaw Point resident's story.

  2. Residents sharing a family member's story.

  3. The stories of family members and how their life was impacted by a veteran. 

The stories address before, during and after service. 

  1. Where the veteran grew up and what led to their service. 

  2. Their service record and any interesting experiences. 

  3. What the veteran did after their service and how they are connected to Chickasaw Point.

Submit your story or a request for an interview below.  All stories are edited by the team for typos and ease of reading, and they usually include two to three pictures.  The story is not published until the veteran or author has approved the final draft. 

Story Submissions

Use this form to submit a story or request for an interview.

Veteran’s Of Chickasaw Point Team

  • Joel Rexford

  • Bonnie Craft

  • Terry Arnett

If anyone would like to help with this project or to submit an idea please contact Joel here.