Water & Waste FAQ
Chickasaw’s utilities are privately managed through Chickasaw Utility Company (CUCO). The POA provides CUCO updates during the monthly POA board meetings.
Chickasaw Point receives its drinking water from the Pioneer Rural Water District. The Chickasaw Utility Company, a division of the Chickasaw Association, Inc., purchases water from Pioneer Rural Water and manages its distribution within the community.
Wastewater in Chickasaw Point is treated on-site by the Chickasaw Utility Company. The treated wastewater is then discharged onto the community's golf course.
Chickasaw Point community has its own Utilities Company (CUCO) that is responsible for the waste treatment plant. The community uses a grinder system that sends sewage to the plant.
Almost every home in the community – except a few that are gravity flow - has a grinder pump. A grinder pump not only grinds solid waste from your home, it also pumps the waste to the Utility’s sewer main at the street. The Utility’s lift stations, located throughout the community, then move the waste through the sewer mains to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The influent is treated at the WWTP and the treated effluent is spray irrigated onto the golf course.
Homeowners who need to replace their grinder pump should review Chickasaw Utility’s required grinder pump specs found on page 19 of the Building Requirements.
Have your grinder pumped serviced annually by a licensed plumber. Only flush toilet paper. Feminine products are a grinder pump’s worst enemy and will create issues.
Tap here for a detailed grinder presentation prepared for Chickasaw residents.
The grinder pump is part of each home’s plumbing system, and any licensed plumber should be able to work on it.